Monday 5 September 2011

Average Penis: The Numbers Game

One of my first posts talked about the 'average' penis. (You can read about it here) I quickly touched on the data collected by the LifeStyle Condom people and created an image that illustrated the vast difference in the size of a penis in the average distribution. The average penis ranged from 4.9"x3.7" (length/girth) to 6.7"x5.7". The illustration does a great job showing just how different the average dick can be, but it doesn't really offer much of a metric for comparison. After I did a little research for my 'Grower not a Shower' comparison, I decided to take the same LifeStyle Condom data and create this handy chart.

Length: penis length in inches
Percentile: The percentile rank of a score is the percentage of scores in its frequency distribution that are the same or lower than it. 
Frequency: The average occurrence.
Bigger than you / Smaller than you: In a group of 100 people, how many are bigger/smaller than you.

  • If you have a 6" penis (the gold standard), you are in the 73rd percentile, and on average only 9% of men have a penis as long as yours. In a group of 100 men, 27 men will have a penis larger than yours, and 73 will have a smaller penis.
  • If you have a 5.75" penis, (a mere 1/4" smaller than the 6" penis) you are in the 48th percentile - 23% of men have a penis as long as yours - this is the most common length. In a group of 100 men, 52 men will have a penis larger than yours and 48 men will have a smaller penis. Based on this data, you are completely average.
  • If you have a 4.75" penis, 96 of 100 men in the locker room are going to have a statistically larger penis than you, however, consider that on average 3% of men have the same size dick as you do, which is the same percentage of men that are 6.75" or longer. What this means is that while you have a smaller penis than most men, but the average man is only 3/4"-1" longer than you, and while it may seem like the rest of the men have huge cocks, they statistically have average dicks.
  • Finally, lets look at the famed 8 inch penis. The quintessential porn-movie wang. Yes, they exist, and if you have one you are in the 97th percentile for length. Only 3 men in a locker room of 100 men will have a dick bigger than yours, and only 1% of the population shares your endowment.

I can't convince you to be happy with your dick if you're not, and I can't tell you to not want to be different than you are. What I can tell you is that you might be sweating some minor details for no good reason. If you have a 5" penis and you feel completely undersized, you need to consider that you're only 1/2"-3/4" away from having an average dick, and in a room of 100 guys, there are 7 guys with a dick 1/4" bigger than yours, and 13 guys with dicks 1/2" bigger than yours - so not every guy is WAY bigger than you, they're just slightly bigger.

That being said, thanks to penis exercises I've increased my penis length beyond the 6 inch ceiling, which has been a huge psychological boost. I know it's silly, it's obsessive and frankly useless, but the difference in 1/4"-1/2" has really changed my outlook on things. Knowing that now, I am simply saying if you can't change the way you are, realistically consider how you actually measure up, and truthfully consider if its worth the anxiety if gives you.


  1. I started out at about 5-75,but as a bodybuilder it looked very small.Sp Yeats on I can report that I am 8.5 now.
    So PE works

  2. I'm pretty confident about my length which is an honest 6.5 inches. Yet I'm very worried about my girth, online surveys and things always show different numbers from studies (some studies seem to understimate size because of measurement techniques), where would a 13 cm or 5.1 inch girth fall?
