Saturday 17 September 2011

Searching for the Average Penis

In the past month this blog has gotten much more popular - we now see a few hundred unique visitors a day! 99% of the incoming traffic is from Google search, and 95% of the search terms refer to 'average penis' or 'average penis pictures'. It seems there is a lot of people interested in finding out just how big, or small, the average penis is!

I decided to search for 'average penis' as well and found that most of the search results were returned from sites that were selling penis enlargement products - pumps, pills and other assorted goods. (No surprise there) The other thing I found was that many of the penis enlargement sites seemed to have a altered the numbers - their 'average' seemed 'above average'. I've included some charts below:

The information I've been using for this site comes from the Lifestyles Condom study, as well as data from the Journal of Urology, the International Journal of Impotence Research as well as other assorted sources. Although the numbers to vary from study to study, the bottom line is that average penis size is about 5.7". (Read more about average penis sizes and distribution of sizes) What my searches also revealed was that almost all the sites that talked about the average penis (which coincidentally also sold enlargement products) seemed to have numbers that were much higher than any of the studies. According to these sites, the average penis was between 6.5" and 7" long, and a 7" penis is far more common than a 5.5" penis.

Don't believe it.

If you have a 5"-6" penis, and you discover that you are only 1" below the overwhelming average (as reported by penis enlargement sites), might you be inclined to spend $100-$300 to gain a 'mere' inch? Particularly when you've been promised 3" gains? Even the worst results will give you an extra inch and you'll finally be 'average'. Would you spend the money? Perhaps - but why? Because some site fed your insecurity and confirmed that you are 'small'? There is money to be made making you think you don't measure up. Think about it...

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