Saturday 28 May 2011

Average Penis

I've spent more time worrying about penis size than I ought to have. No, this hasn't been an all-consuming obsession, nor have I given it much thought over the years. What i have done is allowed mainstream media and society at large to plant a seed in my head about the importance of penis size. I recently started thinking about jelqing and penis enlargement because of silly off-handed comments made at work. It should have never bothered me, but it did. so as a result I've researched and tried a number of things to make some changes.

Over the past 6 weeks I've come to 3 positive conclusions. First, and least important, jelqing/stretching works. I've made some gains in under 6 weeks and I really happy. Not so much for the gains, as the knowledge that just as you can change your physique with exercise, you can do the same for your penis. Second, my partner never, ever, had an issue with me, she thought I was perfect as well as 'big'. She's totally satisfied, and was pissed-off that I even doubted myself. Third, it turns out that I'm well within an average range, and that the 'average' is far less than we've (or at least I ) have been led to believe!

There has a been a number of studies done to determine average penis size, and of that sampling 6-7 studies seem to have enough academic/medical merit to be trusted. (Google 'average penis size studies' to find the studies)

The cumulative data of those individual studies suggest that the average penis is between 4.9" - 6.7"  in length, and between 3.7" - 5.7" in circumference. This range represents the vast majority of penises. Based on this, the average penis size is 5.7" long and 4.7" in circumference.

I've used a visualization program to create the following images based on that data.

You might notice that the average penis spans a noticeable range of sizes, however understand that less than 3% of men will have a penis which are either the length or width of the 'small average' or 'large average', and less than a 1.5% chance of having both the extremes. The majority of men will be much closer to the 'average'.  This means that in a group of 50 men, only one will have a penis that is 4.9"x3.7", and only one will have a penis that is 6.7"x5.7". The data also suggest the 1 in 100 men will have a 7+" penis and 1 in 200 men will have a 8+" penis. Consider those odds, and then consider your own dick.

So, how did I make out?

I have nothing to worry about...


  1. wow this actually kinda motivated me. I always believed people told me i was big just to make me feel better.... but now i know the truth. thanks a lot man

  2. Thanks for the comment. The whole thing is really blown out of proportion isn't it?

  3. thanks for making me realize i'm small average...

  4. Hey Anon/Anon:

    Thanks for the comments. I hope that the 'small average' epiphany is a good thing. :)

  5. Wow! This is depressing. I'm struggling to get to 5" and using a stretching device. I'm 38, 5'8" and 125lbs. I guess this would be "average" for my build. Would be nice to be 5.5-6".

    1. Dude. You're 125 lbs. I used to be 245. I'm going to guess everything looks proportional so don't sweat it. A big dick on a fat guy become a small dick.

  6. Everyone I know has a 7.5 or better.
    I have a 8.75......ah-hahahahahahaha

    - lmao

    1. Awesome! I wish I too was a Norse God and was friends with all the Titans! ;)

  7. ha and in reality yours prob aint half that!


  8. 7" x5.9" so im high adv nice

    1. Go forth with confidence. Remember: with great power...

  9. I really didn't need to see any stats on this to know where i stand in the average size line. I'm not even on the chart at my absolute hardest erection I'm only 4" long and barely over 2.5 around. needless to say when I do manage to get a girl it's only out of pitty.

    1. word must get around fast....jk your trolling lol

  10. 5.4 inches long/ 5.1 around guy here

  11. So when you are measuring your penis where are you placing the beginning of the tape/ruler etc?

    1. Here:

  12. haaa! i thought i was doing bad, but i guess my gf wasnt lying to me. i am in fact paranoid. 6.5 long and 5.5 around 170 pounds. Feel better about myself!

  13. LOL got trolled to this page, I never knew dudes look up other dudes penis sizes

    1. What? Are you that obtuse in a locker room? ;)

  14. You measure from the topside looking down. But if your erection naturally points up instead of out, you'll have to push it down (slight measuring disadvantage). Most guys measure the length wrong and inflate their actual measurement. It's great to say you're 7+, but you might REALLY be 5+.

    1. Agree 100%. Lets be honest - it doesn't matter how you measure if you feel good about yourself. The point of this site is that if you REALLY want to know how you measure up, measure in a standard way and run the numbers.

  15. mine looks like a door bell.

  16. This is not right. 5.7 girth is never average under any circumstances. Not even large average. Anything over 5.3 inches of girth is large. 5.5 inches of girth is enough to hurt many women if you are not careful.

    1. Interesting point. I wonder how we could follow-up on this?

      It does strike me that some women I know have mentioned that their average man is skinnier than what the stats suggest.

  17. 5.9-6.2x5.75 (it fluctuates) no girl has ever complained but I always figured it was because she was being nice or something.

  18. 5.2x4.2
    Im the 3%...
    I guess i feel special lol
    But i aint mad
    I know what to do ;)

  19. 5.2 length by 5.25 w average?

  20. 6.7x5.1 always thought i was small, so i guess the guys i hang out with are way above average.

  21. Just under 8 x 6.5 round and I always thought I was small .

  22. its amazing. even the bigger guys believe they are small. In the penis enlargemetn forums you find lots of guys with 7" and over who want to be 9".

    7.5" is probably perfect; otherwise it hurts most women.

  23. My gf always says I'm big, sometimes hurts her. I have always figured she jus says that. I know I'm right cuz I don't have a 7 inch cock. 7 or above us a big cock. Why would someone chest with the tape?? Just lying to yourself right, but I think you do start measurement at the base at the hairline, I can get that much in my woman so I start there right? Really I'm not pleased with results, I think we all wish we were a bit bigger, except, of course for you well hung dudes. But like a few of the comments I have read here, haven't had any complaints. What are these stretch exercises? Jerkin off or just simply stretching my member? According to these stats I am not small anyway, but would love to be bigger. Honesty tho, really wouldn't want to pack 10 or 12 imagine getting a hard on in public with sweats on or some shit lol.

  24. Mine is 7.3 x 5. 0 I haven't had complaints but I would like more girth.

  25. So you got length but no girth?
