Wednesday 7 September 2011

30 Day Challenge - the results are in!

In 30 days I've gained a 1/4 inch! I'm now 6.5 inches! I can't believe it!

No seriously, I really can't believe it! I wasn't expecting any change, so to gain a full 1/4" is pretty unbelievable!

One of the things I've noticed is that it's really easy for my erection to fluctuate 1/4"-1/2" based on mood - there is a big difference between a boner, and a BONER! Each time I've measured I've made sure I'm in the mood to do so, as I've casually measured in the past and found that I'm smaller. As well, there is a difference between bone-pressed measurement, and non-bone-pressed measurements (as discussed here). The thing is, the bone-pressed measurements aren't really a functional measurements, they're a benchmark. So you sexual partner is never going to experience your 'full love potential', just part of it.

Functionally, I now measure 6 inches - easily, which is also a confidence boost. I don't have a 6 inch penis in certain conditions, I have a 6 inch penis at all time, and more if you measure correctly.

I think I'm going to do another 30 days and see what happens!

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