Wednesday 25 May 2011

Official weigh-in.

Just over 6 inches. Yup... I gained a bit more than a 1/4 inch in 5 weeks.

Now, this may not sound like a big deal to most, but there are several psychological implications here.

  • First, it's clear to me that a consistent routine of simple stretches and jelqing yields results. This means that yes men, you can change some things about yourself. This is quite empowering, and does offer reassurance that it is possible to get great arms or abs, and now, a great cock.
  • Second, for me passing the 6" barrier is a big deal. Being able to tell myself that I have 6 inches is confidence building. Saying that I have a 5 3/4" (or whatever) sounds a little pathetic, much like when you ask how tall someone is they respond with 5' 10 3/8" - splitting hairs sounds desperate. 
  • Third, and 6 inch penis falls within the 'average' range of 5"-6.25", and exceeds that average length which is approx 5.35". Again, being able to tell one's self that they are above average in a huge confidence boost.

The other great esteem builder is I wasn't the one doing the measuring. Because of the conversation my wife and I had a few days earlier, she told me that she wanted to measure me to prove I had nothing to worry about. She measured correctly (as I told her I thought that bone-pressed measurement seemed the most 'honest') and came up with 6+".  However, she didn't think that was where measurements should be taken from so she did another from the side. 7 inches.
"You have a seven inch cock! Seven fucking inches! Dude, you have a big fucking cock so get over yourself."

Now, I know that 7" is an exaggeration, but I'm willing to leave it.

I am still exercising and I continue to slowly lose weight and my physical health is also improving. Sex has been awesome, and lately my wife has remarked that I've been 'screwing like I have a big dick'. No complaints.

Because I am exercising, I'm going to continue with my routine that way gains can't be traced back to my secret penis exercises. ;)

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