Friday 20 May 2011

Minor Routine Chages

Originally I planned to follow a fairly strict 5:2 jelq/rest routine. However, I abandoned that for something more intuitive; I simply listen to my body. If I'm feeling good I jelq, and if not I rest.

As a result, my schedule is more of a 6:1 or 8:2 split. It feels good and I'm comfortable with it.

As well, I again switched up the stretching a little bit. Originally I was doing pyramid routine, but I wasn't able to decide if I was actually doing any stretching. Last week I switched over to 3-4 sets of 1 minute under-the-leg downward stretches and I'm much happier. After 45 seconds I can really feel the stretch in the suspensory ligament and I can feel the stretch for several hours following the workout. I feel this doing more good that the previous approach so I'm going to stick with it.

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