Friday 27 May 2011

Minor routine change

Weightlifting has taught me that it is important to change-up your routine every few weeks to encourage gains etc. I've made a few changes over the weeks to my PE routine mostly because I'm learning what works for me. I've made yet another small change to be efficient.

It isn't easy to maintain a secret PE routine when your married, so I generally do my routine in the shower. Long hot showers aren't cheap so I've come up with another refinement that maintains the intensity and shaves some time off.

My stretches are now all downward under-the-leg stretches, and are each 60 seconds long. I discovered that after 30+ seconds I can really begin to feel the stretch at the base of my penis - meaning the stretch is working. As well, leaning forward while performing the stretch changes the stretch from 100% downward to 50/50 downward/forward split. As well, after each stretch, I do 30-40 jelqs. Early in my routine I would take a brief breather between stretches, but this was empty/wasted time. The jelqing has the added benefit maintaining the semi-erect state which is easier to hold on to. This means I can do my entire routine is about 7 minutes, and is much like a circuit)

I've read many forums where people claim to be engaging in routines that last over an hour! Forget that! If I can gain 1/8-1/4 month for the next few months and I need to spend less than 10 minutes a day to do so, I'm happy.


Stretches / Jelqing
Under-the-leg downward stretch: 3x60 seconds

alternating with

35 x 3-second jelqs.

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