Tuesday 17 May 2011

Not yet measured

Thirty days has passed since I started this routine. Thirty days ago I could hardly wait for this day to arrive; to see if jelqing really worked.

I'm not going to bother measuring. Yet...

If you've ever tried to lose weight, you'll have inevitably learned that one of the worst things you can do is to weigh yourself multiple times a day, every day. Anything and everything can effect your weight loss on a day to day basis and you're likely going to become discouraged. Ideally, you weigh yourself one a week, and if you have real self control, once a month. 

I was hoping that month one of jelqing was going to result in remarkable gains. Not the case. There have been some gains. I know there has been. My partner has made mention of it and I can see some improvements - particularly in my flaccid state, but will I be inspired to continue if I measure and I see an improvement of 1/8"? As well, I've noticed that it's become more difficult to obtain a really good erection 'without company'. This doesn't concern me, but it does present challenges for measuring as its easy to lose any gains just because you're semi.

I do feel more confident about myself, and to be quite honest the entire exercise is quite enjoyable. I think I can sustain this for another month...

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