Saturday 28 May 2011

Average Penis

I've spent more time worrying about penis size than I ought to have. No, this hasn't been an all-consuming obsession, nor have I given it much thought over the years. What i have done is allowed mainstream media and society at large to plant a seed in my head about the importance of penis size. I recently started thinking about jelqing and penis enlargement because of silly off-handed comments made at work. It should have never bothered me, but it did. so as a result I've researched and tried a number of things to make some changes.

Over the past 6 weeks I've come to 3 positive conclusions. First, and least important, jelqing/stretching works. I've made some gains in under 6 weeks and I really happy. Not so much for the gains, as the knowledge that just as you can change your physique with exercise, you can do the same for your penis. Second, my partner never, ever, had an issue with me, she thought I was perfect as well as 'big'. She's totally satisfied, and was pissed-off that I even doubted myself. Third, it turns out that I'm well within an average range, and that the 'average' is far less than we've (or at least I ) have been led to believe!

There has a been a number of studies done to determine average penis size, and of that sampling 6-7 studies seem to have enough academic/medical merit to be trusted. (Google 'average penis size studies' to find the studies)

The cumulative data of those individual studies suggest that the average penis is between 4.9" - 6.7"  in length, and between 3.7" - 5.7" in circumference. This range represents the vast majority of penises. Based on this, the average penis size is 5.7" long and 4.7" in circumference.

I've used a visualization program to create the following images based on that data.

You might notice that the average penis spans a noticeable range of sizes, however understand that less than 3% of men will have a penis which are either the length or width of the 'small average' or 'large average', and less than a 1.5% chance of having both the extremes. The majority of men will be much closer to the 'average'.  This means that in a group of 50 men, only one will have a penis that is 4.9"x3.7", and only one will have a penis that is 6.7"x5.7". The data also suggest the 1 in 100 men will have a 7+" penis and 1 in 200 men will have a 8+" penis. Consider those odds, and then consider your own dick.

So, how did I make out?

I have nothing to worry about...

Friday 27 May 2011

Minor routine change

Weightlifting has taught me that it is important to change-up your routine every few weeks to encourage gains etc. I've made a few changes over the weeks to my PE routine mostly because I'm learning what works for me. I've made yet another small change to be efficient.

It isn't easy to maintain a secret PE routine when your married, so I generally do my routine in the shower. Long hot showers aren't cheap so I've come up with another refinement that maintains the intensity and shaves some time off.

My stretches are now all downward under-the-leg stretches, and are each 60 seconds long. I discovered that after 30+ seconds I can really begin to feel the stretch at the base of my penis - meaning the stretch is working. As well, leaning forward while performing the stretch changes the stretch from 100% downward to 50/50 downward/forward split. As well, after each stretch, I do 30-40 jelqs. Early in my routine I would take a brief breather between stretches, but this was empty/wasted time. The jelqing has the added benefit maintaining the semi-erect state which is easier to hold on to. This means I can do my entire routine is about 7 minutes, and is much like a circuit)

I've read many forums where people claim to be engaging in routines that last over an hour! Forget that! If I can gain 1/8-1/4 month for the next few months and I need to spend less than 10 minutes a day to do so, I'm happy.


Stretches / Jelqing
Under-the-leg downward stretch: 3x60 seconds

alternating with

35 x 3-second jelqs.

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Official weigh-in.

Just over 6 inches. Yup... I gained a bit more than a 1/4 inch in 5 weeks.

Now, this may not sound like a big deal to most, but there are several psychological implications here.

  • First, it's clear to me that a consistent routine of simple stretches and jelqing yields results. This means that yes men, you can change some things about yourself. This is quite empowering, and does offer reassurance that it is possible to get great arms or abs, and now, a great cock.
  • Second, for me passing the 6" barrier is a big deal. Being able to tell myself that I have 6 inches is confidence building. Saying that I have a 5 3/4" (or whatever) sounds a little pathetic, much like when you ask how tall someone is they respond with 5' 10 3/8" - splitting hairs sounds desperate. 
  • Third, and 6 inch penis falls within the 'average' range of 5"-6.25", and exceeds that average length which is approx 5.35". Again, being able to tell one's self that they are above average in a huge confidence boost.

The other great esteem builder is I wasn't the one doing the measuring. Because of the conversation my wife and I had a few days earlier, she told me that she wanted to measure me to prove I had nothing to worry about. She measured correctly (as I told her I thought that bone-pressed measurement seemed the most 'honest') and came up with 6+".  However, she didn't think that was where measurements should be taken from so she did another from the side. 7 inches.
"You have a seven inch cock! Seven fucking inches! Dude, you have a big fucking cock so get over yourself."

Now, I know that 7" is an exaggeration, but I'm willing to leave it.

I am still exercising and I continue to slowly lose weight and my physical health is also improving. Sex has been awesome, and lately my wife has remarked that I've been 'screwing like I have a big dick'. No complaints.

Because I am exercising, I'm going to continue with my routine that way gains can't be traced back to my secret penis exercises. ;)

Sunday 22 May 2011

New perspective

I was talking with my wife and the topic of penis size came up. (I have no idea how it came up, it just did).  I mentioned that I was insecure and she got quite upset with me. The conversation was quite exhaustive but in the end it came down to this:

  • She has never, ever complained once about my penis.
  • She loves it and it does all the tricks she wants.
  • It feels good, she likes the look of it and she doesn't want it to change.

As well, she wanted to understand where the insecurity was coming from? Was she not good enough? Was sex not satisfying? I told her it had nothing to do with that, but that a lot of guys have hangups about their penis and frankly it's hard for us to be satisfied with it. She pointed out that unless I was thinking of sharing it with someone else, that it shouldn't matter. That she was happy, and that should be all that counts.

I know that she's right, and I appreciate that she is genuinely happy, but I'm still struggling with it. Perhaps I've put too much emphasis on something that doesn't actually matter.

Either way, if I'm allowed to lift weights and do sit-ups to improve my health and appearance, I'm going to continue to jelq if for no other reason to improve my flaccid state.

Friday 20 May 2011

Minor Routine Chages

Originally I planned to follow a fairly strict 5:2 jelq/rest routine. However, I abandoned that for something more intuitive; I simply listen to my body. If I'm feeling good I jelq, and if not I rest.

As a result, my schedule is more of a 6:1 or 8:2 split. It feels good and I'm comfortable with it.

As well, I again switched up the stretching a little bit. Originally I was doing pyramid routine, but I wasn't able to decide if I was actually doing any stretching. Last week I switched over to 3-4 sets of 1 minute under-the-leg downward stretches and I'm much happier. After 45 seconds I can really feel the stretch in the suspensory ligament and I can feel the stretch for several hours following the workout. I feel this doing more good that the previous approach so I'm going to stick with it.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Not yet measured

Thirty days has passed since I started this routine. Thirty days ago I could hardly wait for this day to arrive; to see if jelqing really worked.

I'm not going to bother measuring. Yet...

If you've ever tried to lose weight, you'll have inevitably learned that one of the worst things you can do is to weigh yourself multiple times a day, every day. Anything and everything can effect your weight loss on a day to day basis and you're likely going to become discouraged. Ideally, you weigh yourself one a week, and if you have real self control, once a month. 

I was hoping that month one of jelqing was going to result in remarkable gains. Not the case. There have been some gains. I know there has been. My partner has made mention of it and I can see some improvements - particularly in my flaccid state, but will I be inspired to continue if I measure and I see an improvement of 1/8"? As well, I've noticed that it's become more difficult to obtain a really good erection 'without company'. This doesn't concern me, but it does present challenges for measuring as its easy to lose any gains just because you're semi.

I do feel more confident about myself, and to be quite honest the entire exercise is quite enjoyable. I think I can sustain this for another month...

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Things are progressing well...

The 'flaccid praise' I've been getting from my sweetheart has been quite encouraging. She's convinced I must be losing weight - 'penises just don't grow'. I'm not sure if there's been any change in erection size, as It's hard to tell without measuring, and usually a hard-on is being put to better use than a ruler-prop. ;)

My only regret at this point is that I wish I had taken a flaccid measurement; it seems this is where the greatest growth is taking place.

I've also realized that much of a man's esteem might be related to the size of his flaccid penis, and not his erection. I say this as most 'comparisons' happen in a locker room environment. The gains I've experienced in the past few weeks have done wonders for my confidence. Erections are private, softies are public?

One week till my official weigh-in! I'm not yet declaring a jelq victory, but things are looking good!