Saturday 13 August 2011

30 Day Challenge

Last week I decided to get back into a simple routine to see if even the most moderate exercises could again yield results. Last month I said:
Interest in Jelqing and Penis Enlargement has really dwindled. In the past month I haven't had the desire to devote time every day to the cause. I'm really happy with myself, and I don't see much reason to change.
This still holds true, but reviewing my own blog I realized that the skeptic in me was doubting my own results. Yes, I've made gains and yes, those gains have correlated with me doing stretching and jelqing exercises, however over the past 4 months I have also been improving my body and overall health through regimented exercise. (I will write on this another time - I think it's very important!) So I've wondered if losing a bit of weight etc. hasn't been the reason for my perceived gains. (Bottom line, this wasn't a very controlled experiment - too many variables)

So, for 30 days I will follow this this routine but I will only do 1 or 2 cycles.

Let's see what happens!

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