Friday 1 July 2011

Routine is becoming... too routine...

It has been over two months since I started this blog and if you've been following along you'll know I've gained one half inch in penis length since I started. Naturally I'm pleased with this result, and my confidence has increased ten-fold. That being said, I'm not really obsessed with getting bigger as what I've got works very well, does ALL the tricks, and has an adoring fan. Thus, I've found my routine has suffered and I am no longer exercising like I did in the beginning. I've also changed my routine (again) to something simple. My hope is that routine (which takes about 8 minutes to complete) will help maintain current gains, and with any luck will make a small gains.

This is the routine I've been using for the last few weeks - probably 3-4 times a week. I do this cycle of 3 exercises 3 times.

  • Under-the-leg downward stretch: 60 seconds
  • 30 jelqs
  • V stretch: 60 seconds


  1. Where do you learn what a jelqing is?

    1. The internet... the same place I learn about EVERYTHING! ;)
