Sunday 24 April 2011

Week one

I should note that I won't be taking any measurements until after the first month has passed.

I finished the first week and actually enjoyed the routine. It took a couple of days to get the hang of each movement - the stretching can be a little uncomfortable if you haven't a proper grip! A week later, and I think I'm starting to get the hang of it.

If you've ever spent time lifting weights, you might recall that the first few weeks you worked out, you went through the movements, but may have struggled to isolate the muscles being used. Then after a few weeks you leaned how to target the correct muscle groups for the exercise.  The same is true of this routine. By day three I seemed to understand the technique better, and I could 'feel' the exercises. Particularly the stretching.

The jelqing did result in some minor bruising spots (quite normal) but they faded quickly. One of the things I've noticed is that the flaccid state is much bigger for hours following a workout - which is worth the effort alone!

So far, so good!

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