Sunday 2 September 2012

Article: Does size really matter?

Hi all,

I haven't made any updates as I haven't been doing any 'exercises'. That being said, I have shifted my focus to the rest of my body. I've been hitting the gym pretty regularly and I've managed to drop 30lbs since the beginning of the year. My self-image is at an all time high so I haven't given the jelq topic much thought!

I'm going to post a few thoughts on this. I've done a lot of casual thinking and I'd like to share what I've learned.

In the meantime: I stumbled across this article about penis size written for women by women and I think it could likely be one of the more self-affirming articles you will read on penis size.


Sunday 29 January 2012

Took a little break - don't panic!

Back on Dec 10, 2011 I posted "No Change, No Surprise", where I explained that I hadn't seen any gains in 30 days. I wrote that I wasn't discouraged, and was going to continue with my routine.

Well, that didn't happen. :)

The truth is I've been very busy for over a month and I basically haven't done anything in the PE department. I haven't quit and I'm not discouraged, I simply took a break. This entire topic is a little obsessive, and I didn't like how it was invading my daily thoughts. I was happy with the way I looked, I felt pretty good about myself, and didn't want to have this nagging obsession following me into the holiday season. I wanted a little more balance. I took a break.

I'll likely re-start the routine in February and see where that takes me. I'm curious to see if a six week break will make any difference in my body's ability to 'grow'.

Just for the record, I did take some occasional measurements during this time and nothing has changed. I have to assume based on this information that results are permanent?

Talk soon.

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Nobody wants to see your package: Mooseknuckle

Nobody wants to see your package. I'm serious.

I was talking with a group of my coworkers last month when a gentlemen walked by with jeans that were far too tight. As he passed by, one of the women whispered 'mooseknuckle', and everyone burst out laughing. (A 'mooseknuckle' is the male version of the female 'camel toe'; pants so tight that everyone can tell what religion you are, as well as how big your package is.)

When the moment had passed, the women at the table (still wiping their tears) agreed that 'that was gross'. Now, I would have guessed that women were interested in what a man was packing. Guys always want to see what a woman looks like naked, so I simply assumed the same was true for women.

Fastforward to last week. I was talking to a close friend and she was asking about the gym I go to. We were joking around and starting talking about the locker room. I mentioned one guy who had been strutting around naked in search of a towel, noting that he probably liked the attention as he had 'a lot to look at'. 'Gross' was her reply. I was officially confused.

So over the last week I've been very directly asking all my female friends about the mooseknuckle, and everyone of the them have agreed that women do not want to see every man's package. To be clear, women want to see their own man's package, and they care about their man's size and shape etc., its that women simply don't care about every other dick in the world. Some went so far to say 'dicks are ugly'.

So, if you're obsessing over your dick, or you're very proud of it and you want to show it off, don't bother. Wear supportive underwear, check you pants and avoid a mooseknuckle. Women will think you're more attractive if you leave something to the imagination.

Saturday 10 December 2011

No Change - No Surprise

It's been almost 30 days since my last weight-in and there's been no change. I'm not really surprised.

If I wanted to force a change I could. I'm sure I could twist and bent and stretch myself till I gained a 1/16", but I'm not going to bother. I'm not going to force a result that isn't there. The routine feels good, and is working well (insofar as I enjoy it, it doesn't hurt, and doesn't consume a huge amount of my time).

I am not discouraged by the results in the least as I go the a gym regularly and I'm trying to lose some extra weight. I know that when building strength or losing some pounds you are going to plateau. The trick is to continue working through the plateau as it will pay off down the road. Plateaus are what stop lots of people from succeeding beyond the initial returns.

Talk to you soon!

Sunday 13 November 2011

30 Day Challenge - Round Three Results

Final weigh in: 6.81" (6 13/16") - that's 3/16" in the last month! Still gaining: still motivated.

I'm going to up the intensity of the routine for the next 30 days in an effort to reach my Seven Quest goal!

The routine is very simple:
  • 3x Between-the-legs downward stretch* 60 seconds
The downward stretch is the most intense I've felt. Going to focus on that for a while. I'm also going to stop jelqing. I'm not convinced they do anything. More on that another time.

Monday 7 November 2011

How big can you make your penis?

How much can you expect to gain? Are there limits?

I think everybody can agree that no matter how long your spend working on your penis enlargement exercises, you aren't going to gain forever. Just in the same way you are never going to be able to bench press 1500lbs if you train hard enough, you simply aren't going to gain inches forever. That being the case, how much penis length and girth can the average guy expect to gain?

One of the more popular penis enlargement forums is Thunder's Place. A few years ago they surveyed their members and released the penis growth/training data for over 1000 men. I spent an evening crunching this data to see if I could come up with some usable statistics.*Note: I edited the data somewhat. Men who only recorded 1 training result, or who experienced unbelievable results  in only a few months were removed.

Here are some of the results:
  • The average penis length at the beginning of the survey was 6.65"
  • The average penis length at the end of the survey was 7.23"
  • The average penis girth at the beginning of the survey was 5.16"
  • The average penis girth at the end of the survey was 5.35"
  • The average man trained for 8 months
  • 792 men gained an average of 0.58" in length in an average of 8 months. 
  • 792 men gained an average of 0.19" in girth in an average of 8 months.
  • The greatest single length gain was 2.75"
  • The greatest single girth gain was 1.65"
  • The majority of men performed exercises for 4 months or less before quitting. 
  • The average monthly length gain was slightly more than 1/32" 

Based on this data (with all of its faults), one could suggest that an average male who engages in a consistent penis enlargement routine can expect to gain over 1/2" in length, and an 1/8" in girth over an 8 month period. 

I think its pretty easy to dispute these numbers on many different levels. How were the measurements done? How can we trust the measurements were accurate? Why is it the average penis in the study is bigger than the statistically average penis? There are many questions, but the bottom line here is that despite these (and other) discrepancies, men who attempted to enlarge the size of their dick managed to do so, and by an amount that seems very reasonable - one half inch. For me the bottom line is that PE works.

Seven Quest - Is it possible?

As mentioned, I did a casual measurement a few days ago and was surprised to find I've gained another +1/8". I was surprised because I didn't think I was going to see any additional gains. Much like dieting or working out I figured I was going to plateau but, things are still growing and I'm now wondering, could I hit 7" by year's end? It seems entirely possible. I've gained 1" of length in almost 7 months which is a little more than 1/8" a month on average, so if that trend continues, I could hit 7" by January 1 2012.

I need to research this a bit more... Stay tuned.