Wednesday 15 June 2011

New Results!

I decided to do a quick measure, and I've added another 1/4 inch!

I'm stunned. Quite stunned. The truth is that even though I gained a 1/4 inch in the first 5 weeks, I assumed that was an isolated result (perhaps related to water retention etc.) and had l skeptically assumed that it had little to do with the exercises.
This second 1/4 inch gain suggests that this is actually working!

Really. I'm stunned.

I've made minor changes to the routine - more about that later in another post.

Some animations (just for fun)

Saturday 4 June 2011

Stretch Variation

It's tough getting a grip...

I'm finding that it's challenging to get a 'really good' stretch when your hand keeps slipping. The under-the-leg downward stretch is working very well; I can really feel a tug at the base, and the reason I've been doing under-the-leg stretches is because I was losing grip while stretching other directions. That being said, I think its important to stretch in ALL directions, so, I've been working on 'getting a grip'.

What I've come up with has been working well, and gives a great stretch and rarely slips.

Make a 'peace' sign with two fingers on one hand. From the size, wedge the head of your penis between your two fingers so that the fingers are just behind the glands. Using the other hand, clamp the two fingers together tightly. Now you can use both hands to stretch which reduces fatigue, and makes for a strong, non-slip hold.